Crafters London Dry Gin 700ml

Crafter’s London Dry Gin belongs to the wonderful world of fresh artisanal gins. Fresh in our very own distinctive way. The show starts with citrusy juniper and is followed by fennel herbal magic and floral softness by veronica. Our award-winning recipe No. 23 tastes as good as it sounds. Or better.

Tasting Note:

This specific taste profile is simply ideal for cocktails. Fresh citrus, herbs and gentle flowers make a great combination for classic cocktails and your own signature creations. Crafter’s London Dry Gin you can recognize in a cocktail immediately. Freelance cocktail enthusiasts and professional bartenders all over the world – let your imagination flow.



The taste of Nordic nature rhymes well. Juniper berry with crisp citrus notes, fennel seeds with a touch of pine and spices and last but not least Veronica with fabulous floral softness. Our botanicals have become best friends and we are almost certain – they have a good time.

ABV: 43%
